Active Components is ISO9001 certified.

Supplier Approval Process
Choosing the right manufacturer or supplier is most important to us. To protect the goods we buy we have implemented a process which is strictly followed to ensure we are able to deliver great quality from reliable sources in full and on-time. Please see below for our supplier approval process.
1. Supplier evaluation
Active seeks information from the supplier e.g. to provide references, financial check, surge capacity availability, indications of supplier quality, ability to meet specifications etc. If the supplier passes the evaluation process, we request a proposal.
2. Proposal request
After positive evaluation of the above information we request a proposal or a quote from the supplier e.g. specifying an offer on the contract terms, such as price, lead time, quality etc. In some cases we pay a visit at the supplier venue to inspect the facilities and management of the supplier. We review various aspects of the supplier's business including capacity, financials, quality assurance, organisational structure and processes and performance. If this is promising, we begin the negotiations.
3. Negotiation
After successful negotiation we determine which supplier(s) will be contracted.
4. Monitoring
We subsequently monitor the supplier during the life of the contract to ensure the consistency of quality.
If you have any questions regarding our Supplier Approval Process, please call us on +64 9 443 9500.