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Electronic Components & Custom Solutions

Established in 1983, Active Components has been a leading distributor of quality wholesale electronic components worldwide. Specialising in difficult-to-source parts for the electronic/electrical industry, we offer a broad range of products, including but not limited to, electronic components, wire harnesses or cable assemblies, and customised keypads and mechanical parts. Our expertise extends to providing custom-manufactured solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Electronic Component Manufacturers & Suppliers

Active has spent years building strong ties with quality electronic component manufacturers and suppliers worldwide to access products that you can trust. We work only with accredited and reputable manufacturers who have undergone our rigorous approval process to ensure they satisfy our quality standards.

We assist our customers in developing components tailored to their specific products and applications across various industries. Whether you are sourcing standard electronic components or custom cable assemblies and solutions, we deliver!

High-Quality Electronic Components & Solutions

Active offers quality electronic components that you can rely on. We relieve our customers of the time, cost, and risk of vetting suppliers to ensure the quality of what we offer. We represent our customers to manufacturers and require QA documentation to be in place. We never move ahead without it. You can trust us to deliver what we’ve promised.

Custom Solutions

We excel at having unique customised components produced, bringing manufacturers together to provide a complete solution. LCDs, keypads, injection mouldings, sensors, batteries and antennas, are all products that Active Components has successfully integrated into customer designs. 

If an opportunity arises that we cannot support from our current line, we are happy to draw on our considerable experience to locate new alternatives. We investigate products and find manufacturers. We seek out additional component suppliers and manufacturers on an ongoing basis. If we think there’s a product missing from our range, we’ll source it.

Warehoused Stock

We hold stock in Auckland, New Zealand and Hong Kong and offer inventory management services from our warehouses. This includes buffer forecast services for our bigger clients. We can also hold stock in case you experience a spike in demand or against a demand forecast.

Global Reach

We are an independent wholesale electronic components distributor and provider of custom solutions with regional bases across Asia-Pacific. We currently distribute to customers in the US, Asia and Europe.

Our products & service ranges


An extensive range of electronic components available ex-stock from our Asia-Pacific-based warehouses.

Custom Solutions

We excel at organising non-off-the-shelf products, bringing manufacturers together to provide a complete solution.

Wire & Cable

Extensive range of terminations and cable specs available – from simple appliance wire to a complex multicore assembly.


Have questions or need assistance? Contact us today!

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